Saturday, May 10, 2008

If this is best, there sure is a better!

“To know what is good, you have to know what is bad”, exclaimed a German participant at the annual Management event at IIMB.

How true, isn’t it surprising that we all run behind things wanting the best of them all, but to know what’s best on the platter you have to try everything on the menu !
So how do I know, what’s best, for every best may have a better!

I m truly convinced that there’s no such thing as “Best”, because if there had been, it had been definitive enough, and there would sure have been contenders. I remember arguing at school, to be the best, wanting to top every class test, and assignments.
I recall how my competitions used to be my mother’s competition, for a child’s mind can be moulded to think the way, its creators want it to be. In that way,I am lucky to be born to my parents.

The greatest things start in the ‘Mind’, so if there’s this something that’s best, if at all it is, it all starts in your ‘250 gm’, topping upon your head. But to realize this most of us take all our lives, better still, for some of us will, or might never now ‘What lies within’.

Look at the wonderful men and women around yourself, and think about that one thing that took them there, no it is not Education alone, for there have been as many
Failure stories as have been successes. So what is it, is it the opportunity, the exposure, the Resources, the determination and will, the Circumstances that ‘Bring out the best of all’.

Now that I have twined all the post-requisites (I am doubtful if there exists such a word, but I intend to convey, that nonetheless, these all are important. It is the knowledge of “self”, the knowledge of being fully aware of your strengths, your Weakness, and the “Rest shall follow”.
There’s this concept of Johari window which intends to map your personality traits.I am convinced that God was only trying to be fair when he made us all different, and it is up to us, to decode that message, for which we were brought on the earth in the first place.
That doesn’t mean quitting the job, being a recluse. It just means “being aware of your cards, and playing them, when your turn comes.” Find that one thing that drives you, and life will be fun, everyday!

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