Saturday, February 16, 2008

Loving What you do...

This job is my bread and butter.7 months back when I joined my firm , I was teaming with Ideas so gallant and ‘Out of the Box’, that I wanted to make a difference. Infact that was precisely what I did in the first 4 months, but later it died a silent ignominious dimeeath.

Now as I revist this entire process, my mind tracks back from day one, to this day...

Why can’t I feel the air, the sun shining when I am back after the walk, the moon staring behind the clouds, lovely so much so, that I have penned some odd 13 poems for a secret love, I have never known to exist.
Where is the passion that used to drive me. Perhaps the harder you start, the sooner will fatigue dawn upon you.

My friends tell me , that its no different for them. IT is boring at times, but if that be the case, what was the objective of 4 years of sweat, the VTU literally sucking out every ounce of blood, be it microprocessors, or advanced microprocessors, or computer organisation.

I sit back and wonder, now what do I do, I remember the first poem that I wrote,” Preparation before night “, and how, it gave me enough reasons to brag all to myself.(For I had already occupied a revered place amongst, the likes of Prem Chandra), and how mercilessly was it crucified under the No-Go decision for the school Mag that year, and how I had bitched about the my classmate, who edited it.

Then all of a sudden I am reminded of, how did I come here at all, this far, and how have things changed for this ‘frog in the well’, Then I remember telling Papa, that the world is very big, and that I am just a small unit here.This was when my progress reports used to go , and dad was really apprehensive of my falling grades every semester, Later I grew smart, and made sure that reports never reach where they are intended to, Thanks to my sis!
Now, I feel nostalgic, so much so, that I feel my eyes are already wet, I feel like hiding myself under the cosy blanket, so that I cannot question, “who am I”, and “If I had come here for a reason, and if that reason is not achieved yet, have I given up? ”.

There is an old saying in Sanskrit, which says,’ A deer doesn’t , by itself enter the mouth of a sleeping lion..’
I.e., not only is it important to be alive, and wake, but also, to hit when the opportunity comes.

Life doesn’t wait for anyone, it is right here, right now, so what ever it be that you want to do to it, do it now.Perhaps I am finding something, I dont know exists, or something I have no clue about...But alteast I am trying to find it, and that's important..

“Find a job that you love, or love the job that you find…”

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